Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Week 2.4

I have been working on and been a member of Mosman Readers for about a year now, you can find me here. It is a fantastic service and very easy to set up and maintain.

As you can see we use it as a readers advisory tool and although it is hard to get the public actively participating in posting we have found that people are visiting the site to read reviews, half way there. Soon we will have our 100th member, maybe there will be a prize!

We have set it up so that the forum is only used for book reviews and have seperated the discussions into genres. Other members can then comment on someone elses review.

Week 2.3

I also found this week to be a bit confusing, I have used Google analytics before for work and on my own site, so that was not a problem, but the feed burner part didn't really explain what it was for. It seems to track the RSS feed coming from the blog, can it track who accesses this feed or who looks at the site?

The stats available on Google analytics is mindblowing especially when you see them at work on a large site like a council, how is this free?

Week 2.2

I think delicious has a lot of potential to be a great tool. It would take a lot of time to set up but it could be well worth it. The other day I went to a seminar at the State library run by ebsco and was exited to see that it was possible to save searches and articles found on their databases as delicious bookmarks. Very useful for cutting down staff time looking for the same articles over and over for assignments.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Week 2.1

Twitter, the best way to keep an eye on your football team. I have been using twitter for some time now, it is a useful tool for keeping in the loop with new soft technologies. We use twitter at work to advertise our upcoming events and keep our public in the loop. It is also a useful tool to find out what others are saying about us with a simple search API.

Find me at Twofruits

The trouble with twitter is finding a balance with those you follow, so that you don't end up with hundreds of bits off useless information and miss all the relevant things. The new list features will hopefully fix this problem.

Week 1.1 Hello again

Great to see another one of these courses being offered I enjoyed the last one. I have been continually blogging, mostly photos and video since the last course and using lots of 2.0 tools with work. I mostly read friends blogs who I don't see much and only keep in contact with through comments, twitter and email.

This year I am participating in Movember so if you would like to sponser me there is a link on the picture to the right. Help change the face of Men's health.

I have just done some simple changes to my blog. I have put in a picture of the dust storm as the header and added a picture widget. I like the black look, easy to read. Oh, and I updated the title to 2.1.

Monday, August 31, 2009

Samsung YP-U3

Thanks for the Prize, it was a real surprise. I never win things, Yay!!!

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Mosman Readers

This is the new social network readers advisory site at Mosman Library. Check it out!